5Q Alumni: Nilesh Sahi

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5Q Alumni: Nilesh Sahi

February 28, 2013 | 5Q, Alumni, News | No Comments

Can you describe your experience at the Gatton Academy?
I was fortunate to be a part of the first class at the Academy. It was truly a unique experience that helped me academically and professionally. The Academy helped me to transition from high school to college with the support of the residential counselors, faculty, and staff. I was able to participate in a plethora of extracurricular activities such as research, clubs, and intramural sports that helped me grow both academically and socially.

How have your experiences at the Gatton Academy helped you in your adult life?
The Academy helped me to build strong relationships and friendships. No matter how far away we are from each other or where we are in our academic and professional lives, we still take time out of our schedules to get together and have fun. On a more academic level, my experiences at the Academy helped me to enhance my time management skills. I was able to efficiently determine when I needed to study and when I could have fun.

Since the Academy, what have you been up to?
I graduated from Western Kentucky University with a double major in Biology and Chemistry. I have just completed my first semester of graduate school in Biotechnology at Columbia University in the City of New York.

What do you aspire to achieve in the next ten years?
I have realized after coming to Columbia University that there are so many paths and intriguing opportunities out there. From groundbreaking research to healthcare, and even biotechnology start-ups, I know I will be doing something exciting after I earned my degree. For me, as long as I work to make society a better place, I will have achieved something.

What was your favorite memory from your time at the Gatton Academy?
I think my favorite memories at the Academy were when I used to go to DUC for dinner with my friends. Those were the times when we would get together and reflect on the classes for the day.

We would like to thank Nilesh for taking time out of his schedule to be interviewed.

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