KAGE Update Panel and Cage the Elephant Concert!

Home / KAGE Update Panel and Cage the Elephant Concert!

On Saturday September 8th I got to experience two types of Cage—the KAGE update panel and the Cage the Elephant Concert!

At 11:00am five other avatars and I met at Gary Ransdell Hall for the KAGE update panel. KAGE stands for Kentucky Association for Gifted Education and this event provided a statewide gifted update for educators, administrators, and parents.

The other avatars and I answered questions alongside Dr. Julia Roberts. These questions pertained to our experiences in elementary school, middle school, high school, and Gatton. This was a great opportunity to show what events in our educational careers led us to attending Gatton. These events consisted of our schools’ gifted and talented programs, clubs, and class options. Once we began discussing our Gatton experiences we shared upon our experiences with research, study abroad, and the community.

After the panel wrapped up I had a few hours of free time before the free Cage the Elephant concert on campus! This concert took place to celebrate Western’s first home game of the season. The exchange between President Caboni and the band to plan this concert occurred in the most business professional of ways—on Twitter.

I showed up to the concert one hour early with a few other girls on my wing (fourth floor, best floor by the way!) and we managed to get second row. We had a great view!! If students would have preferred walking down with a Residential Counselor that was also an option, as the third floor boys’ RC took students down around 15 minutes before the concert began. President Caboni opened up the show with the WKU cheer and fight song, then the talented Cage the Elephant began performing. Cage the Elephant has been one of my favorite bands for about four years, so I was beyond thrilled to see them live. They performed around ten songs and put on such an energetic show. They pumped up the crowd and made everyone excited for the first home game!

After the concert, everyone fled to the football stadium to watch the football game. However, I am not a huge football fan (sorry!) so I did not attend the game. Sadly, we ended up losing against Maine 31-28.

This weekend is just one of many fun weekends I get to experience because I attend Gatton. There’s always exciting stuff going on at Western and I’m so glad I get to experience it as a Gatton student!




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