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March 11, 2019 | 2018-2019, Avatars, Wyatt Ringo | No Comments

As one progresses through education, teachers do more than merely recite PowerPoints or read from lab manuals; they begin to lead. Especially in upper division classes, teachers can often inspire and motivate their students in ways outside of the classroom. Through direct involvement in undergraduate research or serving as a source of experience and wisdom, teachers can soon become more: they can become mentors.

            Mentors play a critical role in the academic and social growth of students, and having a competent and well-rounded mentor can cause a world of difference. Select instructors strive to inspire curiosity and a fascination for learning, just like my freshman year biology teacher, Mr. Budniak. In his class, two pivotal projects were to go out into the world to document and identify insects and plants, which forces one to slow down and earnestly examine the nature around them. After that project, I have a newfound joy and wonder for the life I find around me, which would have never happened without the guiding influence of a great teacher, thinly veiled behind a curtain of homework.

            So, too, can professors foster a love of learning through direct interaction, such as taking on a student to work in their research lab. My current research mentor, Dr. Gupta, has gone beyond her role to guide me through our projects, instead encouraging me to strive for excellence at every chance I could. While pursuing novel research into nontrivial fields, Dr. Gupta has given me countless opportunities to grow, to learn, and to experience things I never thought possible for a student of my age. My time working in her lab has given me more than just experience in a myriad of machines or presentation of data. It has shown me what it means to be dedicated to science and to live your life in pursuit of learning more about the universe around you—big or small.


November 19, 2018 | 2018-2019, Avatars, Wyatt Ringo | No Comments

Here at Gatton, a good roommate will make your experience infinitely better. Even before any students are in the building, the staff is already hard at work pairing off successful roommates and creating future best friends. At Orientation day, all incoming juniors take a personality quiz of sorts—one that asks what music you like and how you listen to it, or what your hobbies and interests are. Our assistant director of student life, Beth Hawke, has spent years perfecting this questionnaire and has discovered the two crucial components to roommate success: sleep schedules and cleanliness. No roommates will ever get along if one goes to sleep at nine every night and the other at three, nor will a slob get along with someone who likes their room spotless. Through this survey and the expertise of over 10 years of roommates, roughly 90% of roommate pairings are successful.

In my case, however, I ended up with not just a roommate, but also a best friend and an example of all the best things you could find. My roommate, fellow Avatar Drew Aubry, is the best friend I possibly could have gained from this random selection process. From day one, I could tell that we were going to get along swimmingly, with a lot of the same interests, hobbies, and warped senses of humor. Late nights staying up talking about life in general or just watching old vines on YouTube are standards of our time in the room together. And outside as well, our treasure trove of in-jokes keeps us both happy and the envy of any other roommate pairing. We are both late-to-bed, early-to-rise, and both like our room just the right level of messy to keep things interesting.

Roommates are invaluable to success at Gatton, providing a constant source of friendship and relief especially in stressful times. Not only are roommates great at helping you goof off, but they also are always willing to help when you need it, whether it be with school or personal matters. And after a long day of work, good or bad, your roommate will be there at the end of the day to finish it out strong. When it comes down to it, a roommate can be one more factor pushing you towards a great year, so be honest talking about yourself, and let Beth take over and do her magic. You might just end up with a friend along the way!


2018-2019 Avatar: Wyatt Ringo

August 31, 2018 | 2018-2019, Avatars, Wyatt Ringo | No Comments

Hello, everybody!

My name is Wyatt Ringo, hailing from Louisville, KY. I am a proud Eagle Scout from Troop 346, an active singer in several ensembles, and I absolutely love to cook. If you can’t find me during a break, a good place to look is the cave systems of North Florida, as I am an avid cave diver! Though still a proud (partial) alumni of Trinity High School, my amazing roommate (fellow Avatar, Drew Aubry), the caring staff, beautiful campus, and so much more makes me happy to call the Gatton Academy my home away from home.

I first heard about Gatton Academy in seventh grade but did not seriously consider it until my freshman year. I realized just how amazing of an opportunity I would be missing if I did not apply, and knew that Gatton would give me the chance to advance my future far more than anything else would. In the last year, I have been challenged like never before, though I look forward to another great year ahead with yet more challenges to come.

In my first year, I have participated in the Genome Discovery and Exploration program and presented a comparative genomics poster at the SEA-PHAGES National Symposium. Over the summer, I worked with Dr. Menze of the University of Louisville for 10 weeks investigating the characteristics of a synthetic peptide derived from LEA proteins, which are involved in the desiccation tolerance of brine shrimp. This semester, I am continuing research in the WKU physics department, quantifying the electrical responses of membranes to nanoparticle exposure.

I am looking forward to a fun senior year, surrounded by great friends, and wish everyone a successful semester!

