Summer 5Q: Torey Gilkison Researches with the KY Department of Fish and Wildlife

Home / Summer 5Q: Torey Gilkison Researches with the KY Department of Fish and Wildlife

Torey Gilkison
Torey Gilkison

Victoria “Torey” Gilkison (Anderson County, ‘11) is spending the summer before her senior year near the water, but not in the same way most teens do.

As a rising high school senior, she is performing research with aquatic plants at the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Center for Mollusk Conservation in Frankfort, KY under the direction of Dr. Monte McGregor, a biologist and researcher there.

Gilkison was one of eleven students from the Gatton Academy’s class of 2011 who received a Research Internship Grant from the Academy for this summer. The Research Internship Grants are available to Gatton Academy students in the summer between their junior and senior years to support students during summer research experiences.

Gilkison’s summer research builds upon the botanical research she did with Dr. Albert Meier of WKU’s Department of Biology during her first year at the Academy. Torey recently took some time away from her summer research with Dr. McGregor to answer some questions.

1. Tell us a little about the project or program in which you are participating this summer that the Research Internship Grant is funding.

I am designing and building three separate aquaponic systems as a basis for my research. An aquaponic system is a way to use plant filtration to help improve the water quality for other organisms, in my case mussels, to live in. On top of noting the effect of the plant growth or presence on the mussel I will also be testing an all organic fertilizer to a regular fertilizer to see if this affects the mussel growth in any way.

2. What is the part of the summer experience you are enjoying most?

The part that I am most excited about this summer is the fact that I get to take part in hands-on research that could help Dr. McGregor in his research later on. I am also enjoying learning about all the different aquatic organisms including mussels and plants. There may be a point this summer when I will be able to go out into the field and assist Dr. McGregor in gathering plant or mussel species for his research.

3. How is this different from the way you think most high school students spend their summers?

Most high school students either spend their time at home or out with their friends, they don’t get the opportunity to participate in research. Research is something that benefits a person for the rest of their life because it develops problem-solving skills. So the fact that I get to partake in research really prepares me for work that I am going to be doing in the future.

4. Will you be using this research experience as a launching point for any particular applications, competitions, or scholarships?

I am going to use my research work to enter into the Siemens Competition.

5. How does this research experience or internship fit into your educational and professional goals?

I hope to major in Botany. By doing this research it allows me to work with plants and to get a hands-on feel for whether this is really the area I want to be working in or not.

6. What are you looking forward to the most about your second year at the Academy?

I am looking forward to taking more specific classes that will get me closer to my major in Botany and choosing classes that will benefit me specifically for where I want to be in life.

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